River Otters: Living in Two Worlds

I’m fascinated by river otters. Well, I guess I’m fascinated by all animals, but otters hold a special appeal. We humans can relate easily to their playfulness and sociability. The otter pictured below was photographed at the Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve in Tompkins County, New York. This expanse of ponds, meadows, wetlands, and forests is one of many protected areas managed by the Finger Lakes Land Trust. It’s open to the public and is a great place to watch otters. And even if an otter doesn’t show itself while you’re there, you’ll probably find evidence of its presence in the form of tracks, scat, or resting areas.

Photo by Scott Levine, Finger Lakes Land Trust

Scat (sometimes called spraint) is probably the most obvious sign left by otters. Their diet of fish, crayfish, crabs, freshwater and saltwater mussels, and even small mammals and birds brings with it indigestible parts which end up in fecal material. In the center and upper left of the photo below you see formed scat containing crayfish shell fragments held together by finer material. The roughly tubular shape of these deposits indicates that they are relatively recent. Under the influence of rain and weathering otter scat readily disintegrates into scatterings of the more visible parts, like the fish scales at the lower right.

Scat is an important means of communication among otters and is usually placed in significant locations, such as on trails between bodies of water, near dens, and at resting areas. Popular locations may accumulate scat of varying ages, and the collections become especially large when several otters are using the area. In the photo below large piles of scat lie in the lower middle part of the frame, and smaller deposits can be seen both uphill and downhill. The entire area has a trampled look, and in the upper part of the photo, slightly to the left of center, there’s a slight hollow that is relatively bare of debris. It looks like both a comfortable resting spot and a good lookout over the river below.

Otters are fastidious about keeping their fur in good condition, and in addition to grooming, the animals do a lot of rolling. This dry wash technique removes both grime and water, helping to maintain the insulating qualities of the coat. Rolling spots may be in conifer duff, grass, soil, sand, or even in snow. The animal that made the roll in the photo below came out of the water from the ice hole at the left. Around the edges of the roll the snow was pushed outward by the otter’s feet, and in the center it was flattened as the otter writhed on its back. There are some nice tail marks at the upper right. After it rolled the otter went right back into the water, leaving a few tracks and a body slide on the left side of the photo. There’s a great video here that shows the playful energy of a rolling otter.

Sliding is another favorite otter pastime. While the animals will occasionally slide downhill on grass or mud, sliding reaches its apogee in snow. On good snow an otter can slide down hills, on level terrain, and even up slight inclines, using its feet only when needed to keep the joyride going. And joyride isn’t an exaggeration. Otters sometimes make repeated slides, turning around and going back time after time to enjoy another go.

And then there are tracks. Otter tracks are similar to those of other members of the Mustelid family, with five toes arranged asymmetrically on both front and back feet. The animal that made the tracks in the photo below was moving from lower left to upper right. The first print at the lower left is the left front, the next is the left rear, then comes the right front and finally the right rear. This pattern of front-hind-front-hind, and the space separating the first group of four from the next group, are typical of the lope, the otter’s preferred gait. Another cogent detail is the relative sizes of the prints. The rear tracks (the second and fourth in each group) are larger than the front tracks, a feature that distinguishes otter tracks from the similar-sized tracks of the fisher. The otter’s hind feet are webbed, and the toes can spread widely to make optimal use of the webbing when swimming. There’s a hint of webbing in the right rear print in the first group shown below, but webbing doesn’t always show in tracks. And as you can see from the photo, tail marks may not be present. In fact they’re rare unless the animal is moving in deep snow.

When otters are in the area they usually leave plenty of evidence, but you may miss it unless you look in the right places. These include silty or sandy shorelines, grassy or forested stream banks, ice-covered ponds and streams, beaver dams or artificial dikes, peninsulas, and trails or elevations between bodies of water. As you observe these places you’ll get a feel for convenient travel routes, good rolling spots, and preferred resting areas. Bluffs of banks with easy access from the water and padded with soft forest duff are always good places to check and often have tracks, scat, rolls, or other evidence of otter activity. The places otters choose are often the places I’d pick for a pleasant lunch stop. Looking down on a river from such a spot I can imagine an otter emerging from the water, loping up the bank, and making a quick check of the situation. Perhaps it examines scat left by another member of its family group and adds some of its own to the collection. Or maybe it enjoys a short rest and a good roll before returning to the water for more foraging.

The aquatic part of an otter’s life is mostly hidden from us, but as soon as it leaves the water an otter leaves evidence of its life on land. Reading those messages can give us glimpses into the lives of these truly remarkable animals.

Getting to Know Porcupines

I’ve been thinking about porcupines. There are porcupines in central New York where I live, but they’re not common, so in that region (unlike in the Adirondacks) I don’t often encounter their tracks. But this spring we had some late April snowfalls, and on two different occasions I was surprised and excited to find porcupine trails. In the photo below (direction of travel from right to left) you can see the left front and left rear tracks. The hind track (on the left) shows the flattened sole area of the foot nicely, with the marks of the claws to its left. The smaller front print lies to the right but isn’t as clear because the thin snow fractured in the sole area and three of the four claw marks were covered by the hind print.

Those meager April snowfalls weren’t ideal for recording clear tracks, so I’m including a more revealing photo of porcupine tracks that I took a few years ago in the Adirondacks. There was a light skiff of snow on a dark, icy base, and the soles and claws can be seen clearly. Again, the tracks are left front and hind, and the direction of travel is toward the upper left. In the rear print (on the right) the sole is larger but the claws are shorter than in the front print (on the left). If you look carefully at the front track you can see the faint imprints of the front toes (which usually don’t show up at all) just behind the dark holes made by the claws. And those streaks that run toward the upper left from the front claw impressions are drag marks made by the claws as they came forward when the foot was lifted.

So what if there’s no snow? Following trails may not be an option, but porcupines leave plenty of other evidence of their presence. Their winter diet includes the inner bark of trees, both conifers and hardwoods, and the buds and leaves of conifers. Scenes like the one pictured below (on yellow birch) show how efficient a porcupine can be at removing the cambium tissues of living trees. And this kind of evidence lasts long after the actual feeding was done. Small debarked patches high in hardwoods (but not conifers) could also be due to squirrels, which may turn to bark feeding when other food is scarce. However, the amount of exposed wood in the photo below is more than a squirrel would be able to achieve.

To get at tree buds or leaves a porcupine climbs high into a tree (where the most vigorous branches are), bites off twigs, eats the buds or leaves, and then drops the twigs. The photo below shows a scattering of nip twigs which accumulated on the ground as a porky fed in the hemlock tree above. When porcupines feed on the swelling buds of sugar maples in early spring, or on acorns in late summer, they harvest and discard the twigs in a similar manner.

But twigs and branches can fall with no help from porcupines, so how do we know whether a porky was the culprit? The first clue is the relatively even sizes of nip twigs (mostly 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet), compared with the wide range of sizes when wind or ice damage is the cause. Another clue is the appearance of the separation site. Randomly broken branches and twigs have ragged, irregular ends. The photo below shows the clean, angled cut found on a red oak twig that was nipped by a porcupine.

To get to feeding spots high in the canopy a porcupine must climb trees, and on trees with light bark, like the aspen in the photo below, climbing marks are very visible. Aspens are sought out by porcupines in spring when the leaves are young and easily digested, and preferred trees are often visited several years in succession. Bears also climb trees to feast on young leaves, nuts, and fruits, but the spacing between porcupine claw marks, between 1/4 and 3/4 of an inch, is much closer than the spacing in climbing marks left by bears.

Porcupine dens are another unmistakable sign. Unlike many other animals, porcupines defecate in their sleeping areas, and when scat piles up they simply plow through it or push it out of the way. The trunk of the sugar maple in the photo below had a hollow space which served as a porcupine den, and the waterfall of scat which fell down from it is evidence of an extended period of occupancy. Porcupine scats are cylindrical to kidney-shaped, and they can also be found among the nip twigs dropped from favored feeding trees.

In spite of their prickly defense, porcupines are preyed upon by most medium-sized carnivores. I found the coyote scat in the next photo last winter, earlier but in the same general area where I found the nip twigs and the tracks in the April snow. The coyote could have been responsible for the porky’s death, but it’s also possible that the initial killer was a fisher, and that the coyote scavenged the carcass later. The quantity of quill fragments is surprising and makes me wonder whether any quills entered the coyote’s body.

By now porcupines have left the mature forests and moved to more mixed habitats where they can find the growing herbaceous shoots and leaves, cattails and other wetland plants, roots, tubers, and fruits that make up their spring and summer diet. There are lots of other animals which consume the same plants, so unless you actually see a porcupine having a meal it’s hard to recognize the signs of summer feeding. But if you’re alert you may find long-lasting evidence of their cold weather activities.


Living creatures see the world in terms of significant objects. We humans are no exception–for us significant features would be such things as chairs, doorways, computers, streets, buildings, picnic tables, traffic lights….you get the idea. For wild animals rocks, thickets, streams, cliffs, and trees come to mind. And then there are logs–items that we usually ignore unless we’re looking for a place to sit. Downed logs are important to many animals in many different ways, and the evidence is often plain to see.

A chipmunk sat on the log in the photo above to eat a red oak acorn. In order to get at the edible meat, the animal tore narrow strips and small chunks from the outer covering. Logs serve as feeding platforms for many small rodents, including red and gray squirrels, and the leftovers often reveal who the diner was. When squirrels feed on red oak acorns, the shell fragments left behind tend to be larger than those discarded by chipmunks.

The log above was used by a red squirrel feeding on red pine cones. As the squirrel fed it dropped the cone scales and cores on the ground in front of the log to create a large midden. Red pines are self-pruning trees and don’t offer many branch perches, so although red squirrels prefer the safety of branch perches, they sometimes need to use more earth-bound objects. Logs, stumps, and rocks can offer a good view of the surroundings and allow the animal to detect danger.

And how do we know it was a red squirrel? Although gray squirrels do sometimes eat conifer seeds, they don’t store them the way red squirrels do, and they never feed on enough conifer cones to create middens the size of the one in the photo.

Tracks on logs tell us that they can also serve as travel routes. Of course we need snow to see this kind of evidence–the light snowfalls of early winter and early spring often show the prints of animals that walked on logs. The coyote that made the tracks in the photo above found the log to be a convenient route through an area obstructed by branches and undergrowth. Walking on logs may also be quieter since leaves and debris can be noisy, even under a layer of snow. Another advantage of walking on logs is a better view. The greater elevation helps prey animals to detect danger, and predators to detect prey. I’ve found many different tracks on logs–the list includes squirrels, white-footed mice, chipmunks, raccoons, bobcats, bears, red and gray foxes, coyotes, fishers, minks, and weasels.

Logs offer these same advantages when there’s no snow, so we can be sure that animals also walk on logs in warmer weather. Without snow their tracks are difficult to detect, but we may still find evidence of their passing. A long-tailed weasel left the scat shown in the photo above on a mossy log. The scat was not quite 1/4 inch in diameter and contained hairs from a small mammal.

The logs in the photo at the head of this article are ones I visit regularly, and they often accumulate the scat of several different kinds of animals. This suggests that they have some special importance, but I’m not sure exactly why. The log in the foreground bridges a low, rocky gully, but the more distant one lies on more level ground. Both logs are large, but there are other logs nearby that are as big or bigger and don’t accumulate scat. Whatever the reason, we can be sure that each species that travels those logs takes note of the messages left by other creatures.

In addition to serving as perches, travel routes, and bulletin boards, logs may be a source of food. This log was torn open by a black bear in search of the grubs that were living and feeding in the rotting wood. Bears are not the only creatures that find food in logs–skunks, raccoons, and woodpeckers also open logs in search of edible morsels. But the size of the fragments and the distance to which they were thrown could only have be the work of an animal as powerful as a bear.

Have you heard a grouse drumming this spring? At this time of year ruffed grouse are looking for mates. The males seek out large logs, and once they find a log that offers a stable and well elevated surface they send out a kind of drumming sound with their wings. The low sound travels long distances, and the elevation of the log gives it even more range. Females are drawn to the sound, and if they’re impressed they will mate with the male. In the photo above I’m perched on a grouse drumming log, taking a photo with my old SLR camera. In front of me on the log you can see several grouse scats.

Whether they’re dinner tables, highways, message boards, pantries, stages, or even just obstacles, logs are significant objects for inhabitants of the natural environment. The evidence they present can reveal unseen dramas in the lives of animals. So before you sit on that log, take a look at it. You might be rewarded with a message that opens a window into the life of a wild creature.

Raccoon Spring Fever

Winter is still with us, but the season is advancing and mild days are beginning to outnumber the cold ones. Raccoons have spent the frigid periods in a state of torpor, denned up in hollow trees, rock crevices, second-hand burrows, or perhaps under your porch. On warm days the animals emerge from their winter dens and roam about in search of food and mates. Their habitual use of a gait called the pace-walk gives their trails a unique and easily recognizable appearance.

In the pace-walk the tracks lie in sets of two, each set made up of front and rear prints from opposite sides. One of these prints generally falls ahead of the other (although they can be perfectly even). In each successive pair the sides of the front and rear tracks switch and, if they are uneven, the leading side also switches. In the photo above the larger hind prints lie ahead of the smaller front ones. The succession of tracks, starting at the lower right corner, is: left front with right rear, right front with left rear, left front with right rear, and right front with left rear.

Raccoons are not good at digging, and as long there’s a substantial snowpack they have difficulty getting at edibles in the leaf litter. But seeps and unfrozen streams are not only free of snow and ice–they also harbor tasty morsels like aquatic insect larvae, worms, snails, and other invertebrates. Seeps are likely to form during mild weather, and they’re usually found in the same places each year. Muddy tracks like the ones below tell us when raccoons have been visiting them.

There are two separate passages in the photo above, the upper one heading from left to right and the lower one going in the opposite direction. If you focus on the darker tracks in the middle of the photo, you can see the similarity between the patterns in the two photos. But in addition to being more irregular, the mud-on-snow tracks have a slightly different arrangement. In each set of two the larger hind foot touched down a little behind the smaller front foot. This, and the fact that the steps are shorter, tells us that the animal was going slower. The icy crust was probably slippery and the raccoon needed to be more careful with its footing.

As spring–and mud season–draws closer, raccoon tracks can be found in all sorts of wet places. When the photo below was taken a thin blanket of snow covered most of the landscape, but the silty stream margins were clear and unfrozen. The small tracks heading in both directions were made by minks, and the larger ones belong to a raccoon. There’s a pretty clear hind print near the right edge of the frame, but the other raccoon prints (one to its left and another toward the bottom of the frame) are distorted because the animal slipped in the mud. In fact the very weird track at the lower edge of the photo is actually two prints, one on top of the other. Apparently the heavier raccoon had more difficulty with its footing than the smaller minks did.

Here’s another trail made by a pace-walking raccoon on a nicely moistened sand road. The pairs of prints are a little closer together than the ones in the first photo, and the rear tracks fall slightly behind the front–both signs of lower speed. Maybe with its feet sinking slightly in the soft sand the animal chose to move more carefully, or maybe it just wasn’t in a hurry. On a mild spring day even a raccoon might feel like taking it easy.

Wild Lives Hang by a Thread

When small rodents feed above ground they usually leave obvious signs of their meals in the form of inedible remains. I love finding these because they reveal a lot about what, how, and where these animals have been eating. It’s especially exciting when I see something unusual, and that’s exactly what happened a few weeks ago. I was walking along a seldom-used (but familiar to me) trail which, at one spot, runs along the edge of a large depression in the ground, about the size of a small room. As I scanned the sunken area I saw odd scatterings of small things on the snow. Looking more closely I saw that the scattered bits were maple seeds. There were red squirrel tracks in the same areas, and many of the seeds had been opened. I knew that gray squirrels fed on maple seeds, but this was the first time I had observed evidence of red squirrels doing that.

Here’s close-up to show that the seeds were really being eaten. If you look at the one near the center of the photo (the one with the winged end pointing toward the upper left) you can see that it was opened at the base.

In our region red squirrels normally favor large stands of conifers, and the most common feeding sign consists of piles of cone scales and cores under their favorite trees. Cavities among the roots are used for food storage, and dead branches part way up the trunks offer well protected feeding perches. So my discovery of feeding sites on the snow surface, the diet of maple seeds, and the location–a mixed forest of sugar maple, red oak, yellow birch, beech, white pine, and hemlock–seemed unusual for a red squirrel. But because I was familiar with the area from warmer seasons, I knew that the sunken pit was actually an old cellar hole, probably part of a 19th century homestead. The stone walls were partially collapsed, and the rocky jumble provided perfect spaces for food storage. It appeared that this red squirrel had discovered an attractive abode.

As I explored the place I noticed another hole, shown in the photo below. This hole was bigger and looked well used–it was probably the main entry to the squirrel’s underground accommodations. But as I examined it I realized that something violent had happened. There were some spots of blood near the opening, and some of the snow around it was disturbed. There were also tracks. If you look carefully at the photo below you’ll see two small impressions in the top center. And to the left of the large blood spots some very different tracks are visible.

This called for some tracking detective work. To show the details better the next photo is a close-up. Above and to the right of the hole the snow is compressed and disturbed, and spots of blood can be seen on the left side (along with a smaller spot to the right). Although they’re faint, you can see the two small prints at the top of the frame.

The tracks to the left of the hole are particularly intriguing–the clearest ones are shaped like the letter K lying on its back. These are owl tracks, probably made by a barred owl. In an owl track the vertical stalk of the K is on the inside of the foot and the shorter angled branches are on the outside. There are two prints made by the owl’s left foot, one above and partly on top of the other. The track of the right foot is less clear, but lies below and a little closer to the hole. This means the bird was facing to the right when it made the tracks. To help you sort all of this out I’ve repeated the photo above with the owl and squirrel tracks labelled.

Here’s my take on what happened: the victim was emerging from its hole when the owl swooped down and seized it in its talons. As the owl tightened its grip the squirrel struggled and hit the snow in several places, touching the snow with its front feet to make the two prints (Sq L and Sq R). Finally the owl’s talons fatally pierced the squirrel and it held the victim on the left side of the hole, causing the bloody spots. The owl then stood on the left side of the hole, shifting its feet slightly as it got a good hold of the squirrel with its beak. It then flew off carrying its meal.

The squirrel’s life ended abruptly, and the owl beat the odds–low on average–of hunting success. Was the old cellar hole, in spite of its suitability for food storage, too exposed for a squirrel to live there safely? Will another small rodent find that spot, take up residence, and maybe even eat the stores still hidden among the rocks? And will that owl revisit the site of its good fortune, hoping for another meal? Sudden death is the way of nature, but it’s also the way of nature for animals to learn from experience and take advantage of every opportunity. I’ll be sure to go by that old cellar hole again to see if it has more stories to tell.

Ruffed Grouse Snow Beds

When the snow gets deep and temperatures go down, ruffed grouse have a wonderful way of staying warm overnight. They can’t climb down into woodchuck burrows the way rabbits do, or follow narrow openings down to warmer depths like weasels. And they don’t curl up with their tails over their heads like foxes. But they can fly, and that allows for a unique strategy. In mid-flight, a grouse tucks its wings close to its body and dives into the snow. Once submerged all it takes is a few wiggles to shape a perfectly formed and well insulated snow cave.

I found the grouse bed pictured below back in November after an unusually early snowstorm. The place where the bird plunged into the snow is on the left, and the exit side of the bed is at the lower right. The trail the bird made as it walked away extends toward the top of the frame.

Here’s the same grouse bed from another angle–the entry is now at the top of the frame and the exit is at the bottom. The cavity where the bird spent the night is located under the undisturbed snow between the two holes. If you could peer down into the lower hole you would see a chamber roughly the shape of the grouse’s body.

If you can’t picture how it all happened you’re probably not alone. One of the keys to interpreting nature’s messages is to go back in time to the beginning of the incident and work your way through to the end.

Consider what happens when you toss a ball into soft, fluffy snow. The ball disappears and leaves nothing but a small depression where it went in. It’s only when you grope around trying to find the ball that more of the snow gets disturbed. A similar situation occurs with a grouse’s snow bed. Once the bird disappears under the snow, the only sign on the surface is a depression where it went in. The grouse can’t be seen, and there’s smooth, undisturbed snow everywhere except for a hollow of tossed snow. It’s not until the next morning, when the bird wakes up and begins to wriggle forward and upward, that the snow around it is disturbed and at least one other hole in the snow appears.

In the photo above, you can see some dark material in the lower hole. A close-up shows that the dark material in the cavity is scat. Grouse typically defecate before they begin to work their way out of the their snow cave.

If the snow isn’t deep enough–or soft enough–for a plunge, grouse rest in surface beds like the one shown in the photo below. On the right side of the photo you can see a hollowed out, grouse-body-sized depression. The usual scat pile sits in the bottom of the bed, and the tracks made by the bird as it walked away can be seen heading toward the left. The scat in the surface bed (and also in the snow cave in the preceding photos) is dry and fibrous, the type of scat produced from the grouse’s normal winter diet of buds, twigs, and catkins. But in the photo below there’s another kind of scat, lying roughly in the center. This wetter, softer scat is called caecal scat, and it’s produced when a grouse eats higher quality food, such as the cambium layer of woody plants. More nutritious food goes through an additional digestive process in specialized intestinal pouches called caeca.

I marvel at the adaptations that ruffed grouse–and other creatures–have for coping with the challenges of winter. And I love the way such behaviors become more real when when I can see and understand the actual evidence. It’s worth the effort to parse out the story and see what birds and animals really do to survive.

A Gallery of Red Fox Tracks

I’m fascinated by track variation. No two tracks are ever exactly alike, even if they were made by the same animal doing the same gait on the same substrate. Sometimes variations within the prints of one species are so extreme that it’s hard to believe that they were made by the same kind of animal. This applies to all creatures, but I think the red fox is a particularly good illustration.

In the photo below you see a front print made by a red fox traveling from left to right. This is a typical track: oval in shape with finely pointed claw marks, and a curved impression–called a bar or chevron–running vertically through the middle pad. A striated texture in the toes and middle pad shows how the fur which covers the underside of the foot pressed into the mud.

The track pictured above also has some features that are found in all of our wild canines. There’s a dome in the center, and the major ridges meet at the dome to form an X shape. The toes are held tightly together and the claw marks point straight ahead.

Here’s another front print made by a red fox, again traveling from left to right but at greater speed. This time the mud was firmer, so the track is shallower and the marks of the hair are lighter. Instead of lying tightly together, the toes are spread and the claws, especially the inner and outer ones, angle outward. The bar in the middle pad is the deepest part of the track, suggesting that the horny protrusion might have served to increase traction.

A fox moving on even firmer mud and at even greater speed made the next example, again traveling from left to right. We see only the claw marks, the tips of the toes, and the middle pad bar. As in the previous photo the toes are spread and the claws angle outward.

Sometimes the fur on the underside of the foot is the most obvious feature of the track. In the next photo, made in wet mud, the direction of travel is from right to left, and the texture of the hair seems to cover the entire track except for the middle pad bar. But take a close look at the areas toward the tips of the toes, especially the two leading toes. There’s a spot in each toe impression that’s deeper and doesn’t have the striated texture. These marks aren’t just accidental artifacts–they’re real (although seldom seen) features of red fox tracks. Each toe has a small, hairless bump near its tip which can protrude through the hair to leave a mark.

There are other anatomical parts which can show up in tracks. The print in the photo below was made in soft sand by a red fox moving from left to right at high speed. The spread toes and deep toe and middle pad bar impressions should be familiar by now, but just behind and above the middle pad there’s an additional mark. This was made by the dew claw, the reduced fifth toe present on the insides of the front feet of most canines. And to the left of that and straight back from the middle pad there’s a shallow indentation made by the carpal pad, a knobby protrusion found higher up on the back of the front leg. This is another feature found on foxes, coyotes, and domestic dogs.

Dewclaws and carpal pads only show in tracks if the lower leg joint (it’s actually the carpal joint) is well flexed or the foot sinks down into the substrate. The print pictured above had some of both–the foot sank into the sand and the galloping gait caused significant flexion in the carpal joint.

I’ve been focusing on tracks in mud and sand because they show track details so beautifully, but snow can be just as revealing. The red fox that made the prints below was traveling from left to right. There’s a nice bar in the middle pad of the front track (at the lower left), and as we expect in the red fox, the rear track (at the upper right) has a smaller middle pad with no bar. The dome and canine X show clearly in both tracks. Small depressions at the tips of the toes of the rear track show where the hairless protrusions (the same ones seen above in the wet mud) pushed deeper into the snow. In dry, fluffy snow like the substrate in the photo below, the fur on the undersides of the feet doesn’t leave distinct marks. Instead it has the effect of blurring the outlines of the toes.

Track variants can be puzzling, but they can also lead to better understanding of foot anatomy and animal movement. So when you’re perplexed by an unusual print take a breath, focus on something different for a moment, and let the pieces of the puzzle fall into place at their own speed. It will be well worth your time.

Spring Fever among Woodchucks

If you think you have it bad, just consider the woodchuck. The males emerged from hibernation weeks ago only to find the ground covered with snow. There wasn’t much to eat, and the weather wasn’t very spring-like. But no matter–they were more interested in procreation than food or comfort, and they spent their time searching out burrows occupied by females. Upon finding a receptive female the male entered the den and copulated with her, then moved on in search of another one. With nothing much to eat the roaming males, which may have dropped up to 1/3 of their body weight during hibernation, lost even more body mass. Meanwhile, the female woodchucks remained underground and got a few more weeks of sleep.

This delayed emergence is important because, like the males, female woodchucks have already lost weight during hibernation and losing even more would impair their ability to give birth to healthy young. Their appearance above ground coincides with the onset of new spring growth and their condition improves rapidly.

I found the den pictured below in early March. A few inches of new snow covered about a foot of denser old snow, which made for nice tracking. There weren’t any tracks beyond those shown in the photo, so it looked like the animal came out, took a look around, and then went back into the burrow. The mud-on-snow tracks are remarkably clear–check out the right front print just to the right of center.

Finding such unmarred tracks around burrows becomes less likely as the season advances and the animals make more forays to and from their winter refuges. The photo below, also from early March but taken a few years ago, shows the muddy and partially melted evidence of several trips. In both of these cases the weather was still pretty cold and there was a substantial snowpack, so these were most likely males in the throes of spring (or rather mating) fever.

As winter loosens its grip woodchuck tracks start becoming more widespread in fields and forest edges. In the photo below the direction of travel is from the lower left of the frame to the upper right, and the impressions form a zig-zag pattern. Each angle of the zig-zag is composed of two

tracks, the rear positioned roughly on top of or close to the front track from the same side. These are the characteristics of the indirect register walk, the woodchuck’s most common gait. Starting from the lower left, the sequence in the photo above is right hind on right front, left hind on left front, right front with right hind just ahead, left hind on left front. To the right of the first set of left front and hind there are some gray squirrel tracks heading in the opposite direction.

By the way, woodchucks are also known as groundhogs, but I prefer the name woodchuck, because the word derives from one of its Native American names. Woodchucks weren’t as common in pre-colonial times as they are now, but their populations would have been concentrated around cultivated fields so they would have been familiar to Native Americans. They still thrive in agricultural landscapes, and are sometimes seen as pests. From an ecological point of view they are actually beneficial. Woodchuck excavations help to turn over and aerate soils, and their burrows provide homes for many other animals.

The photo above shows a burrow I found after a very cold night. Rabbit tracks led both in and out, but this hole wasn’t dug by a rabbit. Unlike European rabbits, which construct extensive tunnel systems called warrens, our cottontails don’t dig burrows. They get along just fine without underground housing, unless it’s very cold. When that happens they find shelter, and that shelter is often a woodchuck burrow.

An Encounter with a Fisher

Sightings of wild mammals are generally rare, and when they do occur it’s usually just a quick glimpse of the tail end of the animal as it flees at top speed. So my recent encounter with a fisher was doubly unusual. I was walking downhill on a sloping section of forest road (Hammond Hill Road in Hammond Hill State Forest for those who know the area). That part of the road is straight so I could see pretty far down the hill, and I suddenly realized there was a dark animal moving around on the road far below. I froze, not sure at first what kind of animal it was and hoping it wouldn’t realize I was there. It didn’t–in fact it actually began coming up the hill toward me. As I got a better view of its elongated body, short legs, and long fluffy tail I realized it was a fisher. I watched as it moved in a completely relaxed manner–apparently unaware of my presence–and marveled at its beauty. I was afraid if I made a move to get out my camera the fisher would take off, so I didn’t dare try for a photo. But here’s a good photograph of a fisher obtained from the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (https://vtecostudies.org/blog/walk-with-the-fisher-on-outdoor-radio/).

Photo courtesy of the Vermont Center forEcostudies

The fisher continued to move uphill in my direction at a steady bounding gait, with an occasional pause to look around. When less than 50 feet separated us, it suddenly realized I was there. It stood up on its hind legs, stared at me for a few seconds, and then bounded off into the trees.

Of course I immediately went to look at the tracks. Because the snow was dry and fluffy most of the prints weren’t clearly defined, and the cloudy conditions made things even harder to see–and nearly impossible to photograph. But there was a spot farther down the hill where the snow was firmer and the track details showed up better. A set of four prints from that part of the trail is shown in the photo below (direction of travel from right to left). The pattern

Track sequence, starting from the right: right front, left front, right rear, left rear.

resembles the bound of a cottontail rabbit: the two front tracks are narrowly set behind the rear tracks, and one (the left front) leads the other. The rear tracks are more widely separated and almost even with each other. Typical mustelid structure shows in the prints: the five toes are arranged in a lopsided crescent and the middle pads form a smaller crescent behind the toes.

That was only one of several different gait patterns I saw as I backtracked along the fisher’s trail. In true mustelid fashion the animal had been very flexible in the way it placed its feet. Rather than showing the rather poor photos from that day I’ll illustrate two of the variations I saw with shots that I took on other days (the direction of travel again is from right to left). As in the opening shot the four tracks in the photo below are well separated, but the rear prints are staggered rather than even with each other, and one is positioned slightly behind the leading front print.

Track sequence, starting from the right: right front, right rear, left front, left rear.

In the next shot the left rear foot came down on top of the left front, leaving a pattern that looks at first like there are only three tracks. But in the heel area of the middle impression there’s an inner ridge and a wider area of disturbance to its left, showing that two feet did actually land there.

Track sequence, starting from the right: right front, left rear on top of left front, right rear.

In addition to those two there were other variations–changes in the leading front or rear foot and slightly different placements of the second and third feet to hit the ground–but to my eyes the fisher’s bounding movement appeared to be uniform and unvarying. Except for momentary pauses it moved steadily uphill with the gently arching leaps that are so typically mustelid. One difference did stand out, and that was a variation in the leap lengths: the four-print patterns that matched the one shown in the first photo were separated by slightly longer distances than the patterns shown in the second and third photos. The fisher apparently wanted to move faster, and I suspect that the more even placement of the rear feet in the first photo delivered more power and enabled longer leaps. But there were many variations in the patterns that didn’t involve any changes in leap length, so there must be other factors that cause a fisher to vary the way it places its feet. I can only imagine the subtle interactions that go on between the animal and its surroundings. I hope that with further study of fisher trails, and maybe even some additional encounters with fishers, I’ll be able to understand more of the puzzle.

The Allure of Scent Marking

Deep in the coldest months of winter, when you’d think every animal is single-mindedly focused on survival, some predators are being distracted by an equally compelling urge–mating. Even as the snow flies, time spent hunting decreases and behaviors connected with reproduction become more predominant. For the tracker one of the best signs of this change is an increase in scent marking. I followed a red fox trail recently, and she was detouring to urinate on raised features like this stump every 500 feet or

so. I say she because the arrangement of tracks and the placement of the urine could only have been done by a female fox. In the photo the small spots in the left half of the stump are urine (you can ignore the dark chunk of bark near the center). The fox came in from the lower left, paused on the upper side of the stump to pee, and proceeded towards the upper right. The more deeply impressed track marked SF was made by the supporting rear foot (the left) while the right rear was raised. During mating season red fox urine has a strong, slightly skunky–but not unpleasant–odor that is obvious even to us smell-challenged humans. So as I followed the trail the air was perfumed with fox musk.

My dog Banjo (dogs are great teachers for wild canine behaviors) demonstrates the technique in the photo below, supporting her weight on her right rear foot plus the two front feet and positioning her left rear leg up and forward. You can actually see the urine squirting downward under her rear end.

Male canines also raise a rear leg when they urinate, but the leg is held out and back, and the urine goes out to the side rather than downward. I don’t currently have a male dog so I can’t show you that, but I’m sure you can imagine the posture. A male coyote, traveling from left to right,

made the scent mark above, supporting its weight on the right rear foot (the track at the lower center) and shooting the urine sideways onto the upper part of the stump. Coyote urine has a mild odor and isn’t nearly as detectable by humans as fox urine is.

Bobcats also feel the mating urge in the winter, and again, those who have house cats, especially males, may have observed the technique. A male bobcat left its signature on the log in the photo below, coming in from the top of the frame, depositing its message, and leaving at the lower left.

It first gave the log a good sniff (revealed by the front print facing the log), then turned so its rear was facing the wood and sprayed urine backwards. Here’s the photo again with the tracks marked.

S denotes where the bobcat placed a front foot as it sniffed the log. RH, LH, RF and LF show the four feet in a squared posture as the cat faced away from the log and urinated backwards. Bobcat urine, like house cat urine, has a strong odor of ammonia, so if you had been there to sniff the side of the log you would have detected the cat-box odor. Female bobcats also scent mark, mostly downward from a squatting position.

Scent marking by wild canids and felids continues through pair formation, den preparation, and birthing. Soon after that hunting begins to regain its importance as the pressure to provide food for the growing young increases. But the timing of reproduction isn’t accidental. The earlier onset of predator reproduction means that their greatest need for food coincides with the greatest abundance of prey animals, which mostly mated in early spring and multiply during spring and summer.